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Leave a Legacy

Turn your passion for Philharmonia into a lasting legacy for generations to come with either a planned gift benefitting PBO or a gift during your lifetime to the PBO Endowment. 

Laurette Goldberg Society

The Laurette Goldberg Society, named after PBO’s founder, honors individuals who have named PBO in their estate plans. Philharmonia is pleased to accept planned gifts of any size. Planned gifts may be designated to support PBO’s Annual Fund and/or Endowment. 

Planned Giving Options

There are many different forms your gift can take depending on your goal, including:

  • Bequest: Add a bequest provision in your Will or donate your full or partial estate to PBO
  • Charitable Trust: Establish a Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) or Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) benefitting PBO
  • Charitable Gift Annuity: Receive predictable payments during your life and receive an immediate tax deduction
  • Beneficiary: Add PBO as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy or your retirement plan

PBO Endowment

By providing a steady, stable downbeat, PBO’s Endowment plays a vital role in providing financial support that furthers Philharmonia’s mission. Contributions to PBO’s endowment fund can be made during your life or as a planned gift. Cash, securities, real property, and business interests are typical assets used as contributions. Naming opportunities are available at appropriate giving levels and for an array of funding needs. 

Learn More or Make a Gift

To learn more about planned giving options, share your decision to make a planned gift, or contribute to the PBO Endowment, please contact Shawn Ingram, Interim Director of Development, at 

Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale’s Tax ID# 94-2848318.