SALAMONE ROSSI selections from Hashirim Asher Li-Shlomo (The Songs of Solomon)
Francesco Spagnolo, Jews & Music Scholar in Residence
Richard Egarr, harpsichord
Philharmonia Baroque Chamber Players
Philharmonia Chorale Octet,
Valérie Sainte-Agathe, director
About This Concert
Music of vivid detail, color and emotional resonance—Salomone
Rossi’s Ha-shirim asher li-Shlomo, The Songs of Solomon, gets a celebratory 400th anniversary performance in a concert that features select members of our amazing Chorale. A composer whose music bridged the musical worlds of late Renaissance and early Baroque, Rossi’s The Songs of Solomon (the name of which is probably a pun on the composer’s name) is unique in marrying Hebrew text with early baroque musical style. With Rossi’s music at times reminiscent of Monteverdi, it’s only appropriate that his music is also featured; with a rare chance to hear a lament from his lost opera L’Arianna. Vocal music of splendor and purity, sure to be given a thrillingly incisive performance in the hands of members of our Chorale.
Philharmonia is the only major American orchestra with a permanent initiative dedicated to exploring the relationship between Jews and music from the 17th to the 21st centuries.
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