Joining the PBO community as a subscriber has never been easier. We offer a wide range of options, making your subscriber experience all about choice. Become a subscriber in just FOUR easy steps!
- Choose your series
PBO offers four Main Season subscription series (San Francisco, Peninsula, Berkeley Saturday, Berkeley Sunday) each with a specific set of performance dates. Check venue details and calendar below for more information. As a subscriber, you can always exchange your tickets to a date outside of your original selection.
- Choose your seat section
Each venue has five price levels, ranging from Premium (Section 0) to Budget (Section 4). Seating areas are indicated on the venue schematics below, color-coded to the prices in the grid below it. You will be assigned the best available seating based on your subscription Tier.
- Choose your concerts
For Tier A (or Full) subscribers, all six Main Season concerts are included! For Tier B and C (or Choose-Your-Own) subscribers, you can choose the 3, 4, or 5 concerts that best suit your tastes and schedule to create your very own PBO experience; you must select your concerts at time of purchase. FlexPass subscribers enjoy the ability to choose their concerts on the go!
- Choose your special events
In addition to the six Main Season concerts, PBO has a rich selection of Special Events this season: Egarr on Beethoven, Richard’s Debut Season Gala Concert, Masses for Troubled Times, and two installments of PBO SESSIONS. All subscribers enjoy early access to these add-on events, and Tier A subscribers have discounted ticket prices. Add these Special Events onto your subscription before public access!
Click here to learn more about all of our
Bing Concert Hall
327 Lasuen St.
CA 94305
First United Methodist Church
625 Hamilton Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94310
Herbst Theatre
401 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco,
CA 94102
First Congregational Church
2435 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
PHONE Call Patron Services Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm at (415) 295-1900.
EMAIL Email your contact information and subscription choices to
MAIL Renewing subscribers may mail renewal forms to:
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale Patron Services
414 Mason Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94102